Beansprouts School, Gurgaon waits every year to welcome the new entrants to embark on a new journey to learn and grow. The time they come, it is like bubbles of energy have come to give us new life lessons. Some children show excessive enthusiasm and some keep to themselves in the new environment. One of the primary issues faced by children in the initial stage is a lack of concentration.
In this fast-paced world when there are so many distractions, obviously concentrating on any form of learning becomes a problem. But we must remember that concentration is a part of life and it is not the consequence of a method of education. After the pandemic children are finding it hard to foray into the real world.
To help children improve concentration we, at Beansprouts, Gurgaon, take some measures to enhance their concentration.
1. Healthy environment
It is essential for parents to identify a healthy environment for their children. There should be the least distracting things like video games, virtual games, and gadgets that attract a child’s attention. The parents should take care that their child should not indulge in multitasking. While doing one work at a time their concentration would improve. They will learn to focus on the moment.
Beansprouts provides a very congenial atmosphere to facilitate the learning process. At Beansprouts we follow the policy of no screen for kids and introduce them to different situations where they can explore and learn while having fun.
2.Train the brain
Our dynamic mind is always thinking. To keep the mind in check we must learn to train the mind. We can always make “to-do” list. Making a timetable can make a child more disciplined and controlled. The child will be able to segregate play time from leisure hours. He would know his sleep time which really helps a child to concentrate and not falter. This way the child will be focused and learn concentration.
Our Play School in Gurgaon helps children form a balanced timetable that includes different activities to engage and focus on different skill development of children at the same time in the initial years so that it becomes their lifestyle.
3.Game a gain
There are several games that can enhance concentration in children. Games like Simon Says, Jigsaw Puzzles, Freeze, Red Light- Green Light, and Musical Chairs increase focus and concentration in children. Our play school Beansprouts, Gurgaon, keeps young ones in the natural environment and encourages them to play various games of their choice.
Sweat it out
One of the best way to increase concentration is to make them play games and do exercises. This helps students in achieving a goal and experiencing the happiness of reaching the target.
Meditation is another proven method to learn concentration. The ability of being in control of your actions and being aware of your surroundings is an important skill for a child.
As it’s rightly said “Concentration is the root of all the higher abilities in man” It is the catalyst to hone the latent treasure within a child. Concentration can be cultivated and we at Beansprouts just work towards that goal to see our budding geniuses bloom.